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ProfilevCard Responsive Blogger Template

Rs. 1500.00
Rs. 1200.00

  • Black
  • White
  • Blue [Blank]

  • M
  • L
  • XL

Tambah Ke KeranjangBeli Sekarang
Features Availability
Responsive True Cek
Mobile Friendly True Cek
Google Testing Tool Validator (Index) True Cek
Google Testing Tool Validator (Item) True Cek
SEO Friendly True
Personal Blog True
2 Column True
Top Navigation True
Breadcrumbs True
2 Option Search Box True
Back to Top Button True
Footer Menu True
ShareThis Share Button True
Featured Recent Post Pro Version
2 Option Comment System Pro Version
Fast Version Pro Version
Newsletter Widget Pro Version
Related Post Pro Version
Sticky Sidebar Pro Version
Image Lightbox Pro Version
Sitemap Widget Pro Version
Contact Form Widget Pro Version
Fixed Menu on Mobile Pro Version
Shortcodes Pro Version
ProfilevCard is an impressive and professional Blogger vCard online template, a beautiful portfolio with sliding effects, resumes, and contact information with Contacts. This template is quite simple because it doesn't use a lot of widgets in it so that loading on the blog is very fast. You can show your cards online to your friends, customers or your boss in an interview by phone or tablet with just a few touches on the ProfilevCard template. ProfilevCard is a responsive Blogger template, you can see your website on a PC and also a handheld device. You can also link to your social profile. The features included are enough for the vCard version of the template. ProfilevCard isn't just dedicated to vCard, it also has a personal Blog available so you can write as usual.

TIPS Merawat Jas / Blazer

* Jangan Cuci dengan Bahan Kimia/Pemutih
* Setrika dengan Suhu Medium
* Untuk Bahan HIGH TWIST disarankan Tidak Dijemur langsung Matahari.

Aliquam dignissim ultricies mi eget hendrerit. Fusce tellus eros, semper volutpat nulla vitae, rhoncus fringilla tortor. Donec id neque vitae erat elementum malesuada eget a elit.

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